Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Final Paper's Work Cited

Works Cited

“About Notre Dame.” College of Notre Dame: Maryland. College of Notre Dame.2009.
Web. 20 Nov. 2009

Leward, Karen. North Baltimore: from estate to development. Baltimore: The
Department of Maryland, 1989. Print.

Milholland, Rose Maria B. History of the Three Arts Club of Homeland: 1929-1954.
Baltimore: 1954. Print.

“Musuems.” Maryland at a Glance. Maryland State Archives. 10 June 2009. Web. 1 Dec 2009

“Overview.”Loyola University Maryland. Loyola University Maryland. 2009. Web. 18
Nov. 2009

Petersons, Lynn. Email Interview. 27 Oct. 2009- 3 Nov. 2009.

“Standards Concerning Exterior Changes.” Homeland 2009. 16 Nov.

“Statue of the Famous Homeland Wolf.” Homeland 2009. 13 Nov. 2009

Stevens, Barbara M. Homeland: History & Heritage. Timonium, MD: Kwik Print, Inc.,
2002. Print.

“The Homeland Foxes.” Homeland 2009. 16 Nov. 2009

Waesche, James F. Crowning the Gravelly Hil: a history of the Roland Park- Guilford- Homeland district. Baltimore: Maclay & Associates, 1987. Print.

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